Hello beautiful friends all over the world I hope you're having a very good day and I also hope you had a very nice morning ever since I changed my morning routine like a year ago I have had way more productive and I think even happier and more positive days than before I can feel pretty low and low in my energy because the majority of the time in Holland it rains and it's great ever since I changed my morning routine and added some healthy habits it really changed my mindset all over the day it can definitely help with having less stress and just having a more productive day so I hope you're ready these are my habits that I try to do in the morning first and foremost try to get rid of your smartphone in the bedroom this will definitely change how you're sleeping in general but also how you wake up because you're not grabbing your phone immediately when you're waking up and it will just set your mind a little bit more free another morning habit that is truly very necessary and I think is very very hard for all of us is at least not to check your phone but at least definitely not check your email for a whole hour.

So when you're waking up having a shower having breakfast just be in well your own mode and try to wake up and do healthy stuff make healthy breakfast do the other habits that I'm about to tell you but don't check your email it's very important to actually not check Facebook or Instagram as well because you'll probably notice that you're getting a little bit of a hectic feeling when you're checking your social media and especially all of the time so really try to ignore all of these things and I know it's hard truly I of all people know but you will notice the difference of how calm you are and again how products if you are during the day as well when I get up I immediately go and meditate so I know that a lot of people want to drink water first but I don't meditate if I don't do it right away so what I do is basically just sit straight in the bed and go and meditate now how long I meditate depends on how busy I am in the morning I truly like it to meditate for 15 minutes but that is quite long and even five minutes during the day when I'm having a hectic morning can be long as well but those five minutes will truly help you with your whole Zen mode during the day just give it a try once and I think you'll experience some more calmness especially when you're having deadlines or well I think we all have deadlines all the time and have tons of emails waiting for us and this will definitely help you with saying sort of calm during the hectic day.
So after my short or a little bit longer meditation I go to the kitchen and I grab some water drinking water will rehydrate your body and it will help with your digestion so I think you will truly notice it during the day as well and especially if you do it for a longer period of time of course it's always necessary to drink enough water during the day but just start your day with a full glass of water it just gets things flowing down there you know if you do this for a longer period of time you will probably also notice the difference that you'll get a clearer skin as well so the third thing that I do is take the time to make a healthy breakfast and if you don't have a lot of time you can of course also make healthy breakfast is just in the evening before you go to bed for instance make some overnight oats you'll get a very nutritious breakfast as well it's very easy to make and while you're taking care of your body while I'm eating my healthy breakfast I will write down what I'm grateful for and I know this can sound a little bit fluffy or whatever but especially during wintertime I really need this part because when I'm a little bit down realizing what I'm grateful for really helps me to get to be more positive in life you really have to make and create the time to do this.

So for me it really helps to to get a note next to my breakfast write down what I'm grateful for sometimes I write a whole page sometimes I just write one thing if I don't have the time I usually do this in the shower and already think of it because it will also make you realize what you have right now and maybe what you've worked for so long as well you'll appreciate it way more I think it truly helped me the past year to live in them now so after I've had some breakfast I always try to go outside even if it's only for 10 seconds I have a little balcony I just breathe in a breathe out and try to get some fresh air and it will really wake you up immediately as well and it creates that feeling of being alive and breathing so another habit it's actually to move your body right away for instance when I have the time.
I always try to do it once during my working week and also in the weekends is just to have a short 50-minute workout and I have a workout on YouTube that I personally really like it's called women's workout Channel and they have all these exercises to get a nice bubble butt or whatever and you're already moving just before the Working Day starts because like me for example I'm sitting mostly the entire day and I don't like the feeling that I am having this life that I'm sitting all day so that's why I want to start the day off right now of course 15 minutes is quite long but even some stretches or just getting out of bed and just like whatever doing like this your body was in sleep mode of course probably the seven or eight hours before that so you really have to shake up your body and just create the wakeup mode you can also just do a little dance shake up your body when it's time to do my makeup I actually do like a little affirmation and there is actually a postcard hanging on the mirror well maybe I can just grab it this is the car it's in Dutch and it says hey beautiful human being it's made by my sister actually so really I just always like all her work everybody who's looking at it just sees this and I think that in itself already is an affirmation if you don't have a card like this it's I think it's very helpful and it could be nice if you're just saying something like I feel great when I take good care of myself and just something like that just being nice to yourself.
So when I really have the time I also try to visualize in the morning and I've written down some of the things that I dream about that are my goals by now and I just close my eyes and think of what I want and I see myself doing it as well and when I'm doing this very consciously all of my dreams have come true in the past by doing this so I can truly recommend you doing the same as well well and basically after that my working day usually starts and I think all of this takes about an hour or so and of course you really have to make and create the time once again it's really a mindset set your alarm clock so not on your phone maybe the old school one an hour before you usually wake up and just try it once so of course all of these habits sounds like a whole lot to do and probably when you're having a lot of stress or well you just don't want to make the time for it you can also try to do this sort of reduced version of all of this if you're curious how I do the reduced version just let me know in the comments down below and I will try to make a video of that one as well so I hope this video was helpful for you and the hero well getting a little bit more of a productive happy and healthy day because of all of these nice habits and I want to thank you for reading my article.
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